Oral History Interview Techniques
When you are planning a trip to visit relatives and you want to do some oral history interviews here are a few tips that worked for me. I like to have a bag all packed and hanging inside the front coat closet, then I don't have to look all over for the things I need and run the risk of forgetting something very important.
- digital or cassette tape recorder (bring a microphone it there is not one built in)
- AC cord
- supply of cassettes if using a tape recorder
- labels for the tapes
- extension cord
- extra batteries
- notepad and pens
- list of questions, or a book on oral history with sample questions
- address book to note relatives' names and addresses the person you interview may give you
- a research notebook with pedigree charts and family group sheets
- watch or cellphone so you don't overstay your welcome (one hour is a good amount of time for an interview)
- photocopies of any documents you've gathered to show the relative- they may be good conversation starters
- photographs that your need to identify
- magnifying glass, in case the relative needs to have the picture amplified
- cell phone or other digital camera to take picture of items or documents that cannot leave that home

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