I am still trying to figure out just how I want to start labeling my folders.
My personality wants them all typed on labels with an interesting font...but then I am too committed. . .
So, I will actually start with a pencil and set up a file folder for my great-grandfather James Stevenson McMurray(the father of Caroline McMurray, my grandmother).
I also have information on his parents so I will set up a file for them also.
Everyone I have talked to has a different slant to the way they want their files named . . . so that tells me there is no right or wrong way. By starting in pencil I can easily change my system if I decide to.
am using plain manila files, but imaging how pretty it would look to
have different colors, and use a certain color for the different lines
on your pedigree chart. I love color coding, so maybe after a while I
will change to colored folders - I will let you know.
Filing by Couple or Family Group
- every couple on your pedigree chart gets a file folder
- label the folder with the names of the couple (wife's maiden name)
- list names of the couple's children on the outside for the file folder for quick reference
- if a child is married, make a file folder for that marriage

- create file folders for surname/record type combination's
- label folders with surname, followed by the type of record, e.g., Davies: Obituaries or Davies: Census Records
- arrange file folders alphabetically by surname then alphabetically by type of record
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