I think it would be wonderful to have a book full of family stories that could sit in the living room on a table to be picked up and read at any time. These stories could remind us of the sacrifices that our ancestors made through their lives.
Sacrifices they made, moves they endured, hardships that helped them become the people they became. Those who joined the Mormon church against the wishes of their parents, those who walked across the plains as part of a handcart company.
Family ancestors who moved their family to Canada and then lived in a tent for two years- and it is cold in Canada. Ancestors who were in Nauvoo, Illinois and met Emma Smith shortly after her husband was martyred.
Nauvoo, Illinois |
A I sat here tonight reading many stories, I feel blessed that my mother gathered many of these stories and typed them up and then they were duplicated on a mimeograph machine (now days they can be typed on a computer, and saved or set up in a desktop publishing system and produced into a book).
This is why I started my quest for family history and stories and why I call it a "gold mine". Nothing could be worth more to me than this as it helps me know where I came from and what my family sacrificed for the truth of the gospel.
As time goes on, these stories will also be made available on this blog for all to read and appreciate.